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The Most Downloaded Texture Packs in Minecraft

Read Time: 3m‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Written By: Aaron K.

In this blog post we're going through the most downloaded texture/resource packs in Minecraft. They might be ones you even want to use yourself!

1.‎ Xray Ultimate (click for link)

Downloads: 47,900,000+
Created: Dec 22, 2014

To be fully honest, I'm not even surprised. Why do y'all want to cheat?! This resource pack allows you to see all the ores in the world which removes the hard-work to mine and search for diamonds yourself.

2.‎ Fresh Animations (click for link)

Downloads: 20,600,000+
Created: Mar 6, 2021

If you feel that your Minecraft world is a little boring, add Fresh Animations to it. This gives every single mob and player some cool animations and effects!

"The aim is to make the mobs more dynamic and believable." - Author

3.‎ Stay True (click for link)

Downloads: 18,750,000+
Created: Dec 3, 2019

Another texturepack that you might want to download to make your world feel more "alive" is this one. This pack focuses on improving the appearance of the wilderness with its crops, trees, plants, flowers, and also some blocks (a little bit).

This is exactly how I saw Minecraft back in the days by default - where did the spark go? 😔

4.‎ Eclectic Trove (click for link)

Downloads: 13,000,000+
Created: Oct 21, 2021

This resource pack replaces the default "level 0" border built into Legendary Tooltips, and provides 9 additional custom borders for use as you see fit for your game/modpack. <-- This is what the author of the texture pack said. I think that's pretty cool!

5.‎ Repurposed Structures (click for link)

Downloads: 12,000,000+
Created: Dec 8, 2021

I honestly don't know if this is a datapack or a texture pack, however, this was in the CurseForge's most downloaded list so I'll just add it here.

"Add this datapack"(??) "to the game to add compatibility between Repurposed Structures and Farmer's Delight. You will find the compost buildings in some RS Overworld Villages and that some crops in farms as using Farmer Delight's crops as well."
- Resource Author

6.‎ Tissou's Zombie Pack (click for link)

Downloads: 11,800,000+
Created: Jan 31, 2019

This texture pack transforms the way how Zombies move with incredible visual and auditory diversity. One mind-blowing fact about this texture-pack is that it offers over 1,500 different skins for each Zombie making each zombie unique. 🤯

Not only that, it also adds hundreds of new sounds to them. Yeah, I'll sleep each night...

7.‎ The Pixelmon Mod OST (click for link)

Downloads: 11,690,000+
Created: Jun 17, 2020

This resource pack pretty much exists to allow players to enjoy OST without the need of using Pixelmon. Don't ask me what OST means... I don't play Pixelmon.

I might after seeing these mobs though? Are they mobs? I think?

8.‎ Mandala's GUI - Dark mode (click for link)

Downloads: 11,600,000+
Created: Aug 25, 2022

This is going to surpass the Pixelmon's texture-pack pretty soon.

If you're tired of getting flash-banged at night when you open your inventory, chest, or pretty much any GUI in Minecraft then this pack is for you. It's pretty cool as well!

9.‎ Motschen's Better Leaves (click for link)

Downloads: 11,600,000+
Created: May 4, 2020

Better Leaves adds additional layers to leaf blocks, making them appear more bushy, dense and natural. It's a pretty good texture-pack if you want to make your world feel more alive like the previously listed texture-packs.

10.‎ Enhanced Boss Bars (click for link)

Downloads: 11,300,000+
Created: Feb 14, 2022

This texture-pack aims to improve all the boss bars so that there is a better immersion in the amazing world of Minecraft (since the default bars are very boring). Honestly? I might even have the courage to fight the Warden...

11.‎ Embellished Stone (click for link)

Downloads: 11,000,000+
Created: Jul 14, 2021

Bored of the old-style-looking-boring achievement "designs"? Here's a texture-pack that improves the design of each achievement in the game. After downloading this texture-pack I had the motivation to collect all the achievements (maybe).

You can use these texture-packs together with your friends, on a server!

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